My good friend got married in Idaho over the weekend, so I was out of town for a bit…, but you all know the Potholes Reservoir is right off of I-90 east.  I ended up fishing a little and our luck was good.  We landed several Big Bass and managed to locate some Panfish schools as well. 

The Dunes are getting really low.  I saw more than one boat stuck on a submerged sand dune.  The water is still warm, in the mid to upper 70′s and the main lake fishing is getting very concentrated, which is nice for the Walleye and Rainbow Trout gig, along with the Bass.  On a side note the predatory birds ie Cormorants and Pelicans are taking over the Potholes Reservoir.  From a fisherman’s point of view this is a very bad thing.  I hope to get the Game Department involved to eradicate these birds, which are not native to the area.  The Pelicans and Cormorants are eating up huge amounts of fry.  After all work with the habit boxes being put into the Reservoir what a tragedy to have the birds literally eat up all the hard work.

I also poked around the Snohomish for a bit late Sunday afternoon…, basically scouting we hooked into a few Pink Salmon, but overall the fishery is just beginning.   The fish were not really showing themselves (jumping).  They are there just don’t expect to limit out quickly.  Also…, the Snohomish system is at very low water levels, so just be aware of that.  I am booking Pink and Coho salmon trips on the Snohomish system from now through October, along with that comes my local water’s discount…, of book 4 and pay for 3!  Give me a call and lets go catching!




Bonner Daniels


Ps.   *** Save the Tokul Creek Fish Hatchery, Specifically Summer-Run Steelhead! ***

        write your congressman the Summer Steelhead plants have been discontinued :-(


The recent change in weather sure has been nice, I had forgotten what it was like to be able to fish all day with out suffering from heat exhaustion.  The floaters/tubers have moved off the rivers allowing the Salmon/Steelhead to get back to their normal haunts.   With the overcast weather we have been able to hook fish throughout the day.  The summer time flows are definetly upon us.  Be patient and sneaky…, you will be rewared sooner, or later. 

The Cowlitz is a low river show at the moment…,  Blue Creek is slow at press time.  A rise in CFS will bring in more fish, but unit then focus your summer run fishing on Columbia river tributaries and there confluences with the Columbia.  Mathematically speaking the Columbia is the place to be.  Run spinners and  flat fish at the mouth of the cowlitz, or pull bait divers from Blue Creek to I-5.  

This Sunday has river Pink Salmon fishing opening on the Snohomish and Skagit systems and I can only think this freshet of rain helped things a bit.  I will be offering a book for 4 pay for 3 deal on the Snohomish system starting August 16th for the Pink Salmon fishery.  If the fishing is anywhere close to years past…, we are in for a blood bath.  The Sky took a slight rise today and should have its first Humpy Salmon entering the river.  There are still plenty of Steelhead around in the upper river, you just have to beat trail and be willing to put in your time. 




Bonner Daniels


       Ps.      ***Save Tokul Creek Summer Run Steelhead***  write your congressman

The King of Kings

The King of Kings 41 1/2" length by 23" girth


Fished the Potholes Reservoir early in the week and what a difference 100 degree weather and an open spill way make,  the  Dunes had dropped around 4ft in a weeks time!   The bass continue to be aggressive early and late and they are averaging around 3lbs a fish.  We had our first panfish quest and we lit them up.  Some of the bigger Bluegill were around 1lb.  For those of you with prop boats be on the look out for submerged sand dunes especially around the west arm and crab creek.  Surface temps were in the 80′s.

Locally the Sky River is seeing very light pressure and the fish seem to be happy about that.  Kings are there for catch and release and the Steelhead are around as well.  Less pressure means more aggressive fish, no doubt about it.  We were using eggs, along with casting spinners.  Bring along a good pair of polarized glasses and you can see the fish in some of the holes.  The floaters and bathers come out around noon, so set your clock accordingly. 

 The first Humpy Salmon should be entering the river any time now.   Which means its time to break out everything and anything that’s pink.  I will be scouting the Snohomish river here very shortly. 

The Cowlitz had its flows increased over the past week and a half and the fish catching increased as well.  The bait divers are probably the best bet, but side-drifting is still catching its share of the fish.  It is just too bad that the fish race to barrier dam now instead of holding around Blue creek.  I just hope they can turn this once off the hook fishery back to what is was…, OFF the HOOK!  Give me a call and lets go do some fish catching…,

see you on the water.


Bonner Daniels


Ps    *** Save the Tokul Creek Fish Hatchery Summer Run Steelhead***  write your congressman!


Well the dog days of summer heat are definitely here…, which corresponds with low and clear river levels.  Time to break out the drift boat until we see the rivers rise again (not including the Columbia, Skagit, Cowlitz, Lewis).  When the water gets low and clear forget about the kicker and big motor, especially on the small streams.  Noise is a no, no!  If you want to put fish in the box that is. 

The overall report for the Sky and Cowlitz  rivers is fair at best on the overall scheme of things.  Those who know and put in their time are doing much better than the part timers, as the fish are spread through out the river systems.  Patience and mental toughness are a virtue at the moment.  Go explore the rivers especially with the low water so you will know where the Steelhead and Kings are hiding when the high water comes back.

If you have not yet heard…, Reiter’s is open!!  The Steelhead are there and so are the fisherman.  Fish small and subtle baits, or show them something different, the Reiter Steelhead are notorious for putting on their hard hats once they start to feel the angling pressure.  The lower river is still holding fish, but beware if you run your jet sled, as the Sky is getting low.

The Potholes reservoir is kicking out some extremely nice bass and the panfish are starting to show as well.  The water is dropping around 4inches a day back in the dunes and the water temperature is reaching into the 80′s by days end.  Summer patterns are definitely in affect.  Fish early and late for the Bass and Walleye and mid-day for the Panfish.




Bonner Daniels


Ps        ***Save Tokul Creek Fish Hatchery, specifically the Summer Run Steelhead***

                                            Contact your local congressman!!

A few pics from this last week


The Rivers are getting low  specifically the Sky, Cowlitz, Green, Lewis, Snoqualmie, Kalama, Pennisula Rivers, and on, and on and on.   The fish are getting pressured, the overcast weather brought out the fish and the fisherman.  Which is a good thing…, the hatchery fish are there to be harvetsed and they were! 

I continue to sidedrift bait with success for Steelhead and King Salmon on the Skykomish River.  I have had very few positive reports from the Cowlitz of late…, which is a complete bummer!!  If you missed the Skagit opener…, don’t sweat it, reports of only 4 adult King Salmon caught…, Total!  Rivers dropped in temperature over the week and with  the freshet of rain, look for some new arrivals ie. Summer Run Steelhead.  

The ocean report over the past week has been great from everyone I talked with…, from Coho, to Kings, to Pinks.  I sure hope this translates into a strong run of Salmon into our Rivers!  I will keep one finger crossed, as signs are there, so far…, for a fabulous Fall Salmon Fishery. 


  I am running a  Skykomish River Special  *book 4 for the price of 3* good through September 2009


Bonner Daniels


 Save the Tokul Creek Fish Hatchery**Specifically the Summer Run Steelhead** write your congressman!

Chromer Sky River King Salmon Caught Right Before the Closure


The post 4th of July report…, since the last report the game deptartment decided to close King Salmon retention on the Skykomish River which is terrible news.  Especially when we were catching so many of them.  All we can hope for is a major surge of fish into the Hatchery sometime before July 31st, inorder for a re-opening to occur.  Now its Steelhead time…, until the Pink Salmon invasion starting August 16th into the Snohomish River system.  If you want to have a lights out fish catching experience on your local rivers this is the run you’ve been waiting for (Pinks only return in fishable numbers on ODD years).  Call me before my calendar is full!!



The local rivers are starting to get quite low, so switch your terminal gear and tactics accordingly.  Low clear water means its time to be a little more stealth and fishing in the early mornings and evenings will usually be your best bet.  With the overcast days in the forecast the fishing should be good this week. 

The Cowlitz is slowly but surely starting to see more summer run steelhead.  I am going to be running most of my trips through July out of Blue Creek on the Cowlitz River.  Historically July is the month to be on the river.   See you and everyone else with a summer run fix on the Cow!




Bonner Daniels


When the Water Gets Low, Get In a Wooldridge To Get To The Fish

When the Water Gets Low, Get In a Wooldridge To Get To The Fish

Another week deeper into the summer season and another week closer to the unofficial kick off of Summer Steelhead season on the Cowlitz River.   Every year on the 4th of July I look forward to good steelhead fishing on the Cowlitz River and this year should be no different.  Fish early and late and don’t be affraid to venture away from the Hatchery Run at the boat launch.   Good eggs, bait divers, and EZ eggs accompanied with yarn all will put the hurt to these fiesty fish. 

I have been on the Skykomish River of late.  the Kings are showing in better numbers every day.  There seemed to be a push of nice Summer King Salmon this week.  Sidedrift GOOD bait, and the fish will come.  You are  more than likely going to have to put in your time, but all the fish are dime bright and scrappy as hell!  We have been averaging around 3 fish a day so far this season.  The weekends are getting crowded, so please be curtious to your fellow anglers.  If you want a chance at some beautiful, bright fish…, I am on them right now.  


***Book 4 guys and I will charge for 3 on an Full Day guide trip on the  Sky River.., only good through September***.


Call me and lets go CATCHING…, fish-ON!



Bonner Daniels


Kent with a chromer King Salmon

Kent with a chromer King Salmon

Good day to all…, well I am going to keep this short, but sweet.  The Cowlitz and Sky rivers are both in prime fishing conditions.  The water is clear on the insides and slim green in the buckets.  Water temps are hoovering in the low to mid 50′s.  I have been sidedrifting bait and doing VERY well of late.  If you would like to catch a King Salmon or Summer-run Steelhead give me a call and lets go.  Don’t forget pink season opens the 16th of August and the fishing will be lights out!  My dates are filling fast, so if you want to fish call me before its to late and you have to wait until 2011!!     HAPPY FATHER’S DAY and keep them lines wet!

Bonner Daniels


Over the weekend I managed to break out and fish a bit.  I had a family fishing trip with my Dad  and Sister.  We had a blast catching largemouth and smallmouth bass.  The typical soft plastics, accompanied with crank baits and surface baits did the trick.  We fished the Columbia river/Potholes reservoir and did very well.  Let me know if you would like to book a trip where you can set the hook…, over and over, and over again on game fish (bass) between 2-6lbs!  I can help set up any over night arrangements, as well.

The River Report:  The typical summer steelhead/summer salmon rivers have all but dropped right into “fishy” shape.  The fish are here and they are being caught.   Remember summer steelhead come in sexually immature and can be caught almost anywhere in the rivers they swim.  With that said I will be on the water starting tomorrow for a four day stint between the Cowlitz and the Sky Rivers.   One more thing…, summer runs seem to like spinners and spoons more than there winter cousins (big natives excluded).  Especially when you see active, rising fish and/or are fishing unfamiliar water searching for fish.   If your tired of fishing and want to do some serious catching…, give me a call!  See you on the water.

Bonner Daniels  

High Water Summer Time King

High Water Summer Time King

Well…, me and every other jet sled in Snohomish, Co. were out on the Sky River for the opener and unfortunately the catching was on a little on the slow side…, but the fishing was excellent!   It sure feels good to be back on the local water.  The river is definetly high and silty, but we did manage one fish, along with a couple of Dolly Varden. 

I would say to fish bright baits and look for the slow water seems.  The typical salmon holding water is just to fast at the moment.  Run prawns plain, or dyed, good eggs, or even pink worms in the dirty water will work.  Don’t forget to bring along your favorite scents, especially if you are targeting the Summer Kings.  Accuwheather has the temperature dropping off into next week and that is what we fishermen need!!  I expect the fishing to improve greatly following the temperature drop.  I will be hopping back and forth between the Sky and Cowlitz rivers through July.  If you would like to go out and catch Summer Steelhead, Summer Kings, Bass, and/or Walleye give me a call, or shoot me an email.  Until next time…, keep those lines wet!!

Bonner Daniels
